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Our Community
We can be involved in a real and tangible way in offering our services to bring the message of hope to many people through the Internet with our websites.  Together, we can strengthen our local community, and that of all the people in Canada!
Lakeshore Corridor
Lakeshore Corridor is an added community organization that helps families that need that extra boost from Cawthra Road to Southdown Road along Lakeshore Boulevard West. They are people like you and I that have fallen on temporary hard times. See the website www.lakeshorecorridor.com
Our team donates their time and energy to take an active role in the vast network of services that care for people.

Lakeshore Corridor is there to help you from Cawthra to Southdown Road , along the Lakeshore Rd area. They get furniture, a new shirt for your first day on the job, a kind word of encouragement. A community team that gives a little extra to brighten your life when hard times hits you.Learn more, if you want to help.

for a free consultation: irma@mississaugawebsites.ca
Call: 905-822-8103  
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